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Clinton Primary School


Every child can develop their intelligence. Children can enjoy the fact that no matter what their attainment level and – whether things come very easily or seem impossible - hard work and a positive attitude towards what learning can do for them, will enable them to get cleverer! 

Children with Special Educational Needs need us to be at our best and most attentive and that’s why we have a team approach, led by our experienced SENDCo.

We believe in early identification of pupils with Special Needs so that specific programmes can be put in place as soon as possible. The school works closely with outside agencies, in particular, an Educational Psychologist and Autism specialist service, who can give recommendations for teachers to find the best approaches to use. Arrangements are made in line with the LA (Local Authority) policy and advice so that children with SEN or disabilities have their needs met. 

We have an inclusion policy and accessibility plan which is reviewed by the governing body on a regular basis. The medical needs policy also outlines how we ensure those children with long and short-term health needs are catered for and included. 

Policies and further information are available at the school or you could make an appointment to meet our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. 

Clinton’s SEND Policy

We are a very inclusive school and have a team of people who work together to ensure children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are catered for in the best way possible.

SEND Policy

Further Information about our SEND Provision

Clinton Primary School SEND information

Warwickshire’s Local Offer


Useful Links

The links below are to help parents get support with how to do their best for their child with SEND.

