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Clinton Primary School


We report on children’s progress at three points in the year, but parents are always welcome to make additional appointments with teachers to discuss how well they are doing and how the school / parent partnership can work more fully.

Firstly, there is a parents’ evening at the end of the first half term, when we will be able to share how the children have settled and provide tips on how to support at home. 

At the end of the first half of the Spring term there will be a further appointment where we will share how children are getting on via a second parents’ evening but with a statement of what stages of learning they are reaching and further ‘valuable things to practise’ at home.

Finally, there is a full school report which is shared at the end of the year.

We assess children in Years 1 to 6 using ‘stages of learning’ – here is an explanation of our system. (page on the left)

In the Foundation Stage, we will provide details about whether children have met the ‘Early Learning Goals’.