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Clinton Primary School

Our Volunteers

We are able to offer much more when we have volunteers who are willing to help. From supporting on school visits, to hearing children read, to chaperoning when we’re going swimming, volunteers are invaluable. If you’re keen to volunteer, please do get in touch via this form.

 Please read on if you have already approached the school about volunteering.

Volunteers – DBS disclosure and Safeguarding documents

Thank you for offering your time to help us in school!

Our children’s safety and wellbeing is hugely important and so we need all staff and volunteers to obtain DBS clearance and to be aware of our safeguarding guidance. There are five sets of guidelines below; please read the one(s) relating to the activity you’re helping us with.

DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service)

In line with Warwickshire County Council guidance we request that volunteers obtain DBS disclosures on an annual basis.

You can apply for a disclosure online here

The Organisation Reference is: CLINTONPRIMARYSCHOOL

The Password is: Warwick01

There’s a link below to the Applicants’ Guide, which helps you through the process and gives full details of the necessary ID documents.

DBS Applicants’ Guide

Safeguarding information

Please read the following documents:

Staff and Volunteers Code of Conduct Policy

‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ (Part 1 – for all school and college staff)

Clinton Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Clinton Volunteers; guidelines

If you are helping with our Reception class, or at an after-school club, please complete the Disqualification Declaration form

Disqualification Declaration form

Finally, all volunteers are asked to complete the document below and return it to the office (you are welcome to print it or to request a copy from the office):

Volunteering in School – DBS & Documents – please complete and sign to confirm that you’ve read the documents above. If you haven’t yet met the Headteacher for a brief discussion, please ask the office to arrange an appointment.

If you’d like us to provide printed versions of any or all of these documents, please let us know.

Please ask us if you have any questions, and thank you for volunteering in school. We hope you’ll find it both rewarding and enjoyable!