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Clinton Primary School

Physical Education

 We aim to provide a PE curriculum that pupils not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a broad range of sports and physical activities that help them to develop their health, fitness and wellbeing. It is important that every child feels successful and inspired to succeed so that they develop a love of sport and the keenness and confidence to access out of school sporting activities.

We aspire for children to acquire, develop and refine their practical skills and techniques as well as establishing core pre-requisites important for sport. Enhancing personal development skills (collaboration, empathy, focus, perseverance) and enhancing communication and performance skills are also a focus in the variety of PE lessons taught, allowing a variety of skills to be developed that play an important part in sporting activities and are also transferrable. PE lessons allow children to practise and apply techniques in fun, small sided games where they all feel an integral part of the activity, adhering to the principles of fairness, sportsmanship and respect, values we hope to embed for future life. Sustainability of provision is ensured because we have invested time into high quality PE planning, assessment and training for all staff. The careful purchasing of equipment for PE lessons and extra-curricular activities allows fun, challenging and diverse sports to be offered and ensures the equipment can be used for many years.

Our broad extra-curricular sports provision offers both breadth of experience, in order that children can find sports they love, and technique development. We aim that competitive sport gives children the chance to feel pride and belonging, and to push themselves. 

Learn More About how PE skills and Techniques are Developed

Transferrable Skills Progression

Pre-requisite skill development

Dance Technique Progression

Athletics Technique Progression

Games Technique Progression

Gymnastics Technique Progression

Health and Fitness Techniques Progression

Swimming data for current Year 6

How many pupils can:
  • swim competently, confidently & proficiency over 25m: 26/30
  • Use a range of strokes effectively: 26/30
  • Perform self rescue: 26/30