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Clinton Primary School

Design Technology

Design and Technology teaching at Clinton Primary School aims to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle. They will develop key skills from the creativity strand of the school’s transferable skills curriculum, which include:

· Taking inspiration from others;

· Copying and mastering new techniques;

· Connecting with the goal;

· Exploring ideas;

· Combining ideas;

· Revising and improving.

 As well as this, technical knowledge and skills will also be developed in the following areas:

· Cooking and nutrition;

· Mechanical systems;

· Textiles;

· Electrical systems;

· Structures;

· Digital world.

 We want pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. Through our planned scheme of work, we aim to build an awareness of the impact of design and technology on our lives and encourage pupils to become resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute to future design advancements.

Our Design and technology scheme of work enables pupils to meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National curriculum and the aims also align with those in the National curriculum. EYFS (Reception) units provide opportunities for pupils to work towards the Development Matters statements and the Early Learning Goals.


Art as a subject provides the opportunity for children to be creative in a wide range of mediums and provides an aesthetic experience which should enhance children's wellbeing. At Clinton we aim that our Art lessons give children the chance to learn a wide range of techniques through which they can express their own identities, taking inspiration from artists and the world around them. 

Children will develop the creativity skills explained above, through the different discipline of Art:

· Taking inspiration from others;

· Copying and mastering new techniques;

· Connecting with the goal;

· Exploring ideas;

· Combining ideas;

· Revising and improving.

Children will develop their techniques for Drawing, Painting and use of Mixed Media, Sculpture and 3D Art and for Craft and Design. They will develop their knowledge of Colour, Form, Shape, Line, Pattern, Texture and Tone and they will find out about a diverse range of artists.

We have subscribed to the Kapow scheme for Design Technology and Art because of it carefully designed progression of skills and knowledge and because it enables us to coherently teach our transferrable skills curriculum leading a fuller and more rigorous honing in on these essential tools for learning and life.

DT and Art development of knowledge and skills

DT and Art long term planning